Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Boring Writing

Your challenge is to make this piece of writing powerful by using powerful language like similes, metaphors, strong nouns and adjectives. Paint a picture with your words. Post your powerful writing as a comment to this post.

It was a quiet road. There was nobody there. There was a big house on the end of the road. Nobody lived there. It was old and broken.


  1. there was a dark silant road a hausky dog holed it ekould out of the street.there was no strangs around . There spokey hall at the end of that silant road. there was no site of people it was shated with little glass pecais and torn wood there was a mole oold buckits all around it .

  2. It was a quiet,silent road The road was as silent as a sleeping baby.There was a old and cracky house. The house was empty. The house was a boring man doing nothing.It was as old as a
    grandad dog.


  3. Once there silent road. It was so silent it was scary.nobody deard to live there. There was a giagantik house at the end of the road. it was riped and about 100 years old

    By Amelia

  4. There was a house. The windows were bolted windows. The only sound was the rats scurrying about. A car came up the drive. A man cam out with a baby. He left it on the door step.


  5. There was a long dead straight road. At the very end there was a big metal brick house. It was a lonely, dark, old and dusty house. It was as cold as ice and it was a crumbling cliff.


  6. It was a gloomy, lonely and quiet road. There was nobody there, not even an ant. There was a big and silent house on the end of the dark and spooky road. Nobody lived there. It was just treated like an old and dusty shoe. It was extremely old and broken.


  7. There was a powerful street and on that street there was a house. It was all crumbled and smashed like a man's head in a car crash.


  8. It was a dark cold dusty road. It was almost dawn, though some dust had blown into a mysterious man's face. He was a nasty man. He was also nasty to everyone that he saw. One day the man was going to go to children and be mean to them. But the man had karma. Something bad happened to the man on his daughter's wedding, the cake sloshed all over him!!
    So he was never mean again.

    Lois and Ella
