Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our questions about thermometers

Today we learnt about thermometers. We have lots of questions about them! We practiced measuring various items in and around the classroom, making predictions first, then checking.

We used this form to collect our data:

Here are our questions about thermometers:
  1. George and Lauren - What is the liquid in the thermometer and why is it there?
  2. Hannah and Gracie - Why do we need thermometers?
  3. Will - Why do thermometers break easily?
  4. Laura - Why when you turn them upside down, doesn't the liquid go up?
  5. Lucy - Who invented them?
  6. Na-Myung - Why is the colour of the liquid red? What is it used for?
  7. Aron - Why is there numbers on the side of it?
  8. Hannah - How does the thermometer get the heat?
  9. Charlotte - Why does it go up and down?
  10. Kendra - Why do we need liquid?

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